Thursday, February 5, 2009

Other Stuff

The orphanage: Vanesa was the lady of the hour yesterday at the orphanage. She soaked up all of the attention and took the opportunity to show off her new Papi. She had him carry her around, she held his hand and talked about him to all of the girls. Paul said that while they were eating cake, Vani would say something and all the girls would look at him and giggle - I'm sure it was all good :)

Manu is a giggle-box! She giggles at everything!

Vani's seems quiet, but only if you don't speak Spanish. If you get her in the car with Jose, she will talk to him non-stop. Sometimes we have to ask her to leave him alone. Today she was really talking it up with the chef showing them how to make pizza.

1 comment:

dbomoni said...

oh yes, you have to believe that all that is said and not understood is good stuff about you...hee hee! We believed that until Jeni sang a bad song in front of hundreds of people awaiting visas to the US! Hey we miss you all and can't wait to see you again! Vanessa is a hoot...I can't wait to hear her voice! Lots of love and hugs!